Our Program
Spanish Immersion. Child-Directed Discovery. A Sense of Community.

Our Philosophy
Teachers at Soles Montessori believe that all children are unique individuals who have strengths and natural curiosities.
Our mission is to provide a nurturing educational environment in accordance with Montessori principles under the guidance of AMS (American Montessori Society). We offer an exclusively Spanish-language immersion environment. We are committed to offering infants, toddlers, and preschoolers the loving care and encouragement necessary for them to become independent, creative and confident learners who accept new challenges and are active participants their communities.
Established in 2008, the program was founded in the spirit of a loving and diverse environment where the individual learning pace and interests are valued. Our community is dedicated to nurturing diversity, respect for others and oneself, within the context of the Spanish language.
Our Classroom
Placement is based upon available space. Infant/toddler classification is based upon child development and the ages below are only rough guidelines. It is tradition in Montessori classrooms to have children of mixed ages so that they may learn and teach each other.

6 Months - 18 Months
18 Months - 3 Years
3 Years - 5 Years
Maria Montessori (1870 - 1952), an Italian physician, educator, scientist, doctor, and psychologist, developed the Montessori Method in the early 1900s. She opened the first Montessori school—the Casa dei Bambini (or "Children's House")—in Rome on January 6, 1907. By October 18, 1907, Dr. Montessori had opened three locations. The success of her schools—where children exhibited concentration, attention, and spontangeous self-discipline—sparked interest around the world. By 1911, Montessori schools could be found throughout the world, including in the United States.
Practical Life consists of activities that the child will encounter in daily life. The Practical Life materials and activities help the child become independent, refine and coordinate movements, learn and master new skills, and interact positively with others.
As the Montessori philosophy outlines, students are provided freedom (within limits). At Soles Montessori, the children are given a macro-structure for their daily routine (guidelines and general progression of activity) rather than micro-management of their choices. We believe this empowers the child to discover most joyfully and allows teachers to shepherd the unique strengths of each student most effectively.

Our Sensorial curriculum area helps develop the child's senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste). Using Montessori Sensorial toys and materials, the child is able to develop and refine their senses—discriminating between different sizes, forms, colors, textures, temperatures, smells, and flavors.
Science and cultural studies is an important part of the Soles Montessori curriculum. Our students are provided with opportunities to experience nature and the environment that surrounds them in order to better understand the world.

At Soles Montessori, our mathematical materials give students the chance to experience math at their own pace. Through engaging activities and materials, students develop the ability to count, compute, and understand numerical relationships.
Research has shown that positive cognitive gains are associated with learning a second language in childhood. At Soles Montessori, we believe that providing a Spanish Immersion program with native Spanish speaking teachers is a terrific asset to their early childhood learning environment. We enhance the bilingual learning experience with Spanish books and music in our lessons.
By starting early in an immersion program, children learn the proper phonetic pronunciation for words and absorb the language effortlessly. Additionally, learning a second language gives young minds an appreciation for different cultures and people.
We know that learning a second language is an extended process for both children and their parents. Soles Montessori helps foster language development for the whole family by providing special programs to help parents learn along with the children. We also provide take-home resources so parents can help students practice what they are learning in school.

We have several celebrations throughout the year to bring parents together and nurture a sense of community.
In fact, we often find that parents are reluctant to leave the new family and friends they make at Soles Montessori even after their child has graduated. As a result, our alumni and their parents often stay connected to other families as they make plans for kindergarten. Know that as a Soles Montessori parent, our network will be at your disposal.
We have been a part of the Estrellitas/SOLE family for 4 years. Our two sons (4) and (18 months) have been in the school's loving care since infancy and we've seen them thrive. We are very pleased with the program and marvel at how much our children have learned and achieved. We are lucky to be a part of a community of diverse families that extends beyond the classroom.
- Chidi
Hours & Schedule
The program operates from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
At this time, part-time enrollment, before care and after care are not available.
The program will also be closed for two weeks every August and the last two weeks of December for necessary facility maintenance, classroom changes, and in-service training for staff.
Soles Montessori follows the Federal Holiday Calendar. Therefore, we will be closed on the following days:
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents Day
Emancipation Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
View the full school calendar below: